Sunday evening, I found myself leading worship and reading a prayer asking God to "make us children of quietness" at the same time that Quinn was fussing in the back of the church. I managed to hold in the giggle and avoid ruining the contemplative tone we were going for in the worship service.
One other time, I was not so lucky. At another church, on a Sunday morning when I was pretty tired from a lot of extra stuff that week, they had the Christmas pageant in the morning worship mid-December. One little girl was the angel Gabriel, and she was sitting up in the chancel in one of these big wooden chairs built in to the wall, covered in huge, removable cushions. I guess she was wiggling a bit, because both she and the cushion slid onto the floor!
I'm glad another grown-up was sitting next to her and made sure she was okay. I was unable to keep myself from laughing -- I'm pretty sure there was a hymn being sung to cover it, and I was doing my best to suppress it -- but I was overcome with the giggles. I think I was moved to tears.