Quinn and I were driving home one day last week, singing songs in the car, mostly with a Christmas theme. "Jingle Bells" and "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" are two of Quinn's favorites, primarily because they are featured on the episode of Caillou where he goes caroling with his family. She usually refers to the latter as "Merry Merry Merry Christmas."
We were waiting at a stop light when Quinn insisted that we sing "Dorie and Dawn"! She repeated this request loudly, and when I failed to respond quickly enough, screeched at me. Apparently, this was an effective method of communication, because all of a sudden I realized she was asking for "We Three Kings of Orient Are." Which I then sang, making Quinn happy again.
A day or two later, she was playing with the three Kings from her nativity set, and she informed me that "this one is Orie" and "this one is Dawn." Since our friend Dawn is married to Wesley, it turned out that he was the third King.