19 December 2007

Christmas Outfit

I had Quinn try on her Christmas outfit the other day. At first, she was suspicious.

Then, she got MAD!

She settled down and felt calmer once she got into normal clothes. I think maybe she is like her Daddy (okay, her Mama, too, a little bit) and does not like dressing up.

I'm not sure you can tell from these photos, but our girl is balding. Sadly, I think she will follow in my footsteps (and not her Daddy's), and have that respectable head of hair she was born with fall out and new hair (eventually) grow in. Tim's hair stayed, apparently. Tim reminds me, however, that in the long run, she should have plenty of hair, since mine grows fast, and his is voluminous.

12 December 2007

Life as a Baby...

The highlights of life with baby are simple.

Quinn had her first bottle recently -- once breastfeeding was "well-established," I started expressing milk so that other people could feed her occasionally (someday, perhaps I'll even be able to sleep through a middle of the night feeding!). Here she is getting her first bottle:

Yum, Yum!

Yesterday, she had her second doctor's appointment (the 4-week checkup, a few days early because we're traveling for Christmas). Our big little girl weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz and is now 21 1/2 inches long! She's gained 2 pounds and grown 2 inches since she was born.

And, she's practicing for her life of fame by averting her face from the paparazzi already!

She's also been getting in some quality father-daughter bonding time. She looks a little startled -- Tim is probably making a funny face at her.

07 December 2007

A Yellow Walk

Last week, we took Quinn out for her first walk around the neighborhood.

She stayed warm with her yellow blanket...

... and we encountered many other yellow things as well.

21 November 2007

Whoa, Baby!!

We are now living in a Quinn-centric universe.

Quinn Irene was born at 5:54 am on November 17, 2007. She weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 19 inches long. She is a beautiful, healthy baby girl and we are so delighted by her -- even in the middle of the night!

See lots of photos at the blog of her doting daddy.

It feels like ever since I gave birth, I've been living in an alternate reality. This could have something to do with the pathetically small number of hours of sleep I've logged in the past 3 weeks, but it's also the mental and emotional adjustment of taking care of this entirely new other person, and getting to know her, and Being a Mother.

It's amazing to me how tiny she is, and how every part of her little body works. I get stuck sometimes staring at her pinky nail, usually when I'm trying to file down her nails, which are long and sharp and grow fast.
I'm fascinated by the weird little noises she makes, often in her sleep: grunts and squeaks and snorts, and every once in a while (okay, every time she eats!), a contented little hum.

It's also amazing to me that such a tiny person can dictate so much of our lives, and demand so much of our attention. Especially since the focus of our time and energy seems mainly to be around Digestive Events: Eating, Burping, Peeing, Pooping, and the dread Spitting Up.

So, she has taken over our life, and we love her! Isn't she cute?

28 May 2007


So, Tim and I are having a baby -- the due date is November 10th. See his post here.