06 March 2008

Do I Look Like My Mama?

Well, here are some shots of her vaguely posed like my baby picture.

Here's Quinn:

Here's Baby me:

And here's a little better smile from Quinn:

I have trouble catching the full magic of her smiles on camera. Perhaps that's because the squealing isn't picked up along with it... well, seriously, it's probably because she gives her biggest smiles to people face-to-face. And I haven't yet figured out how to implant a camera in my face. :)

What do you think?

04 March 2008

Do I Look Like My Daddy?

So, I had a silly idea that we should pose Quinn like baby pictures of her parents to help decide who she looks more like. The challenge is that I really don't know how old we each were when we got our first portraits taken. I suspect we were older (around 6 months) than she is now (3 1/2 months). But, we got the one to compare with Tim.

Here's Quinn:

And here's baby Tim:

Or does this one look more like him?

What do you think?

Stay tuned for "Do I Look Like My Mama?"...